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Predictions For Cannabis 2019 From Entrepreneurs On The Front Lines

Ten states encompassing more than half the US population, will now have access to legal recreational marijuana. Canada went legal this year and Israel continues to expand its medical marijuana research. What’s next ? Entrepreneurs in the industry cite new ways to invest, better testing and the continued explosion of CBD products as some of the biggest trends. Still, the industry is fundamentally selling a product that is federally illegal, so the biggest question on everyone’s mind is : will cannabis be taken off the Schedule 1 drug list ?

 The level of investment interest in the cannabis industry soared in 2018, said Tom Zuber, managing partner of the law firm, Zuber Lawler & Del Duca LLP, and he expects that to continue. “We see a year of increased M&A and consolidation activity ahead for the U.S. cannabis market,” said Zuber. To prepare, sophisticated cannabis companies are pursuing IP protection strategies and making sure accounting records are pristine, he said, to make them more attractive targets for acquisition.

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