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The International Cannabis Policy Conference 2018 is the global interdisciplinary gathering of the greatest minds from the fields of Cannabis policies and Sustainable Development.

December 5-6-7th 2018, the UN Commission of Narcotic Drugs (CND), the only United Nations body dealing with Cannabis policy, will receive the final scheduling recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) on cannabidiol (40th ECDD) and cannabis in all forms (41st ECDD). These recommendations will be presented to the 187 Member States at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) headquarters in Vienna, Austria.

This CND gathering will be the final global meeting before the High-Level UN Session on drug policy (March 2019) where new Cannabis Treaty scheduling and the 2019-2029 plan of action will be voted by the Countries. These decisions will offer opportunities for countries to develop innovative policies and new market perspectives.

The International Cannabis Policy Conference, December 7-9th 2018 is the last opportunity for external inputs from key stakeholders : researchers, NGOs, students, public officials, policymakers, private sector businesses, investors, and all other interested parties – on this very crucial issue.

Besides scheduling controls, this event presents the contribution of cannabis & industrial hemp markets and products innovations relevant to the achievements of the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), a global framework for sustainable societies.

The International Cannabis Policy Conference includes sessions with top research, industry and policy leaders and an exposition hall showcasing related food, products and services. Don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of the future of international cannabis policy right where changes happen.

For years, the team of FAAAT think & do tank has served as a global platform for the debate and elaboration of innovative proposals to upgrade Cannabis policies and practices. Our work at the WHO level has been a landmark, hopefully resulting in the Treaty descheduling to happen soon.

This is the right time to show up ! Things are changing rapidly (may it be in Austria, USA, Netherlands, Switzerland, South Africa, Jamaica, Germany, UK or Colombia…) and the future is being built now.

Voir en ligne : International Cannabis Policy Conference | Vienna 2018

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