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Canabusiness Awards | International Cannabis Policy Conference 2018

Cannabis :
when growth meets sustainability.

FAAAT think & do tank calls for serious and like-minded entrepreneurs to engage in a quality Cannabis business-to-business realm designed to gather companies, products, people and ideas that change the way we think about Cannabis, those that change the way we use Cannabis and its derivatives, and those that make policies.

The International Cannabusiness Awards provides a space to gather people who innovate, create, grow, and want to achieve new levels of success. Entrepreneurs scale their business by collaborating, sharing knowledge, and interacting. The International Cannabusiness Awards provides meeting opportunities with investors, as well as with the policymaking and reform movements.

“Meet entrepreneurs, visionaries, companies, products, people, and ideas that change the way we think about Cannabis, those that change the way we use Cannabis and its derivatives, and those that make policies.”

Voir en ligne : International Cannabis Policy Conference 2018

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